Worship September 15, 2024 – Assurance of God’s Love and Mercy, with Guest Pastor, Rev. Dr. James E. Roghair

Today’s Worship was led by Guest Pastor, Rev. Dr. James E. Roghair.

Bio on Rev. Dr. James E. Roghair – Jim grew up on a South Dakota wheat farm, graduated from Whitworth College, and Princeton, McCormick, and Garrett Evangelical Seminaries. He retired in 2009 after serving inner city, suburban and rural churches on the East Coast, Midwest and Alaska. He has served African American, Inupiaq, and White churches, and leads a team serving Laguna United Presbyterian Church on the Pueblo.

Bulletin of September 15, 2024 — Assurance of God’s Love and Mercy: MEDITATION – ” “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14″

Scripture: James 3:1-12, Psalm 19

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