The Sunday morning Bible-based class for youth and adults is discussing two books by leading Old and New Testament scholars designed to put the current pandemic in a faith perspective. (No class on May 30).
The books are Virus as a Summons to Faith: Reflections in a Time of Loss, Grief and Uncertainty by Walter Brueggemann, and God and the Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and its Aftermath by N.T. Wright. The Wright book will be provided free. (Contact Richard Lindeborg by email at to have a copy shipped to you.) The Brueggemann book is available from in paperback for $14.00 new (with a few used copies for less) and on Kindle for $9.99. Other online vendors, such as and, have a few new and used copies for competitive prices. Paper Trail may be able to order copies, and Richard Lindeborg can order a new copy from Amazon Prime (shipping free). The readings assignments are posted near the main entrance and in Perea Hall, as well as listed in the April Newsletter.