The Sunday morning class for adults and youth will begin discussing the book “He Said – I Am …and He Is” by Glenn C. Carlson on January 24. The book deals with the seven times in the Gospel of John that Jesus asserts “I am ….”
The reading assignments each week include sections of the book and the related scripture passages. For the first session the readings are the [introduction] pp. vii-ix; Gospel’s editor, author, John 21: 20-24; and the Holy Spirit, John 16: 4-14; “Jesus Different” pp. 1-3, John 6: The words of eternal life; and “I Am the Bread of Life” pp. 5-10, John 5: The authority of the Son.
The book is available from in softcover for $14.99, for $11.85 with free shipping from Amazon Prime and as a Kindle book for $3/99. There are also few used copies available for $5 to $10 with shipping from AbeBooks and Alibris. Richard Lindeborg can have a copy drop shipped to your house. He can also email you a scanned copy of the first week’s readings if you are stranded with a copy in transit.