Observing Lent

The season of Lent began on Wednesday, February 26 with our Ash Wednesday service. Lent is the period of 40 days in which we examine our spiritual lives, repent, pray and fast. Some people choose something to “give up for Lent,” which can be food, but may also be some activity. Pope Francis suggests this . . .

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Fronteras de Cristo

The Understanding Immigration Task Force hosted a potluck on Friday, February 21 in Perea Hall to hear from Mark Adams, who has been working at the border for many years. Rev. Mark Adams is the U.S. Coordinator of Frontera de Cristo, a border ministry of the national Presbyterian Church (PCUSA).  He’s been there for more . . .

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Progressive Dinner on 2/29

Join us for fun and good food at the Progressive Dinner on Leap Day, February 29, 2020 starting at 4:30 p.m. We’ll start with appetizers at the Halverson’s home, then Perea Hall at the church for the main course, and finish with dessert at the Palmer’s home. Please sign up to bring part of the . . .

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