Did You Know #17

DID YOU KNOW, Logos lasting imprint on the adults and youth involved lives on. (From Chad Boliek) So many positive memories it’s hard to select just one or two. These come to mind but barely scratch the surface: Prepping and sharing with Joan every week. Making movies of Biblical stories like Noah, The Prodigal Son (or was it Daughter?), Esther, and . . .

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Did You Know #16

DID YOU KNOW, in 1976, the church’s Per Capita assessment from the Presbytery rises to $4.47! Today it is $35. What is Per Capita? FUPC pays our ‘per capita’ to Presbytery each year. This money supports the work of the mid-councils, presbyteries and synods, and the national church. Each of us can help by reimbursing our church . . .

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