Buildings and Grounds (B & G) is responsible for maintaining the physical buildings of the Old Town Mission Community Center (OTMCC) on Chavez St and First United Presbyterian Church (FUPC) on Douglas Ave.
We do as much as we can within our committee but when the jobs get too big or too high we have to let contractors do the work. For example, the committee upgraded the restroom in the East Wing at FUPC from child-size to adult-size, and built a beautiful step across the front of the stage in the OTMCC for safety. And the committee hired contractors to redo the stucco at FUPC and repair the steeple at OTMCC.
If you wish to join or help us call Corky Halverson.
The Columbarium Committee manages the columbarium (sacred place for the ashes of deceased loved ones), the memorial plaque and the memorial garden in the courtyard of the church. The area is maintained as a beautiful, quiet and meditative space. Plantings, flowers, table and chairs and shade cloth make this an inviting and comfortable garden chapel. The columbarium has 20 niches for ashes and 10 have been committed. The remaining 20 can be reserved for a modest price. The memorial wall has names and dates of birth and death of many members and friends of the church as way to remember them. Additional plaques can be ordered. We always need help with the garden and management of the columbarium. Contact Judy Long or Tom Trigg.
The Joint Operating Team (JOT) operates the programming at the Old Town Mission Community Center. Its members come from the United World College, First United Presbyterian church, and the local community.
We seek to provide a safe, welcoming environment for youth and community groups to meet, learn, work, play and create community. In doing so we see the presence of theOld Town Mission Community Center as helping to unify all segments of Las Vegas.
The OTMCC is used by many local groups and is available for rental. We also have our own programming provided by The SPOT Youth Team; the most popular of these is Friday Night Fun, where children, youth, and adults gather for free pizza, games, conversation, music, dancing and a lot of fun.
If you have questions or would like to help, please contact Tom Trigg or D.R. Palmer.
FUPC has a long history of making small grants to non-profit organizations and groups through the Mustard Seed program. The grants fund a variety of new projects that better the community. To spread the funds as widely as possible, Mustard Seed grants are only for starting new projects, not for continuing existing projects.
The Mustard Seed committee has the responsibility of deciding which of the grant applications would provide the most benefit to the community for the cost involved, as there are more applications than funds available. We are also involved in fund raising to provide the source for the grants.
If anyone has a new project that would benefit the area, they can apply for a Mustard Seed Grant to totally or partially fund the project.
Applications are available here. The deadline for 2025 submission of applications is Friday, March 28, 2025 by 12 noon, and grants will be awarded in April.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying nominees for church officers (session and deacons) and for the nominating committee itself. The officer terms are staggered, so that only a portion of the session and deacons are elected each year and some of the “old guard” remains for continuity.
The Nominating Committee consists of at least one elder and at least five members of the congregation. For more information, please contact Van Swan.
The Personnel Committee provides an avenue for pastor and staff to manage personnel issues. They are responsible for all personnel-related tasks, such as annual performance reviews of pastor and staff, developing the Terms of Call for the pastor for session approval, developing and recommending personnel policies for session approval, and being a positive support group to the pastor. For more information please contact Judy Long.
The Time, Talent, and Treasure committee stimulates patterns of giving and spending in the church that build and maintain stability to do God’s work in the present and future. We encourage faithful offerings of time, talent, and treasure, and base discussions of giving on scripture, faith, and mission.
This committee is set up to advise the session actions needed to balance the church’s short-term and long-term commitments/needs with anticipated giving, and advise the session on how to answer requests not covered by the church budget. Chair Carol Linder.
Worship and Music (WAM) works with our Pastor to help plan our weekly Sunday worship service and other special services during the year, such as Lent, Pentecost and Advent. Our choir director works with our Pastor on weekly music. We have two wonderful choirs: the Chancel Choir and the Rainbow Ringers Bell Choir.
Choir rehearsal is in the Perea Hall on Wednesday evenings from September to May. Chancel Choir is from 6:25-7:30 pm and the Rainbow Ringers rehearse from 7:30-8:30 pm. The Chancel Choir
usually sings for worship services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month , while the bell choir plays on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
We are always looking for more members in each of the choirs and welcome anyone who wants to participate.
Our monthly WAM meetings are on the 1st Thursday of the month starting at 9:30 am in the church library. We also have two planning sessions each year, one for Lent and one for Advent. We are
always looking for new members. We are a fun and creative group.
If you have any questions or would like to help, please contact D.R. Palmer, WAM chairperson, or Karyl Lyne, Director of Choirs.