The Landscaping Task Force has been busy planning for the last year and now we are seeing results! We have a new retaining wall, fantastic rock and a beautiful “river”. There’s more to come, including a new sign. Come by and take a look! . . .
Category: Uncategorized
Beyond Walls — Traveling Yard Signs
Have you seen this sign around town? We are sharing our new logo and our website to let folks know that First United is continuing its ministry even during the pandemic. We are beyond the walls of our church building, and we are working to go beyond the walls that are dividing us in this . . .
Christmas in July!
Join our Christmas in July Giving Catalog Project of a Garden Well for a village needing a safe, reliable source of water. The cost of a Garden Well is $1500. Cards for Christmas gifts are available on request at Please give generously! . . .
Juneteenth Racial Equity Outdoor Forum
Join us in Plaza Park from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. as we celebrate the date when the last slaves were notified of their freedom after the Civil War. Wear your mask and maintain social distancing . . .
Virtual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, May 31 at 4:00 pm
We typically have a sing-along on the 5th Sunday of a month, but that’s hard to do virtually, so let’s have a virtual Ice Cream Social instead. Log in to Zoom using the same link as you do for worship (this one) or join us by phone (312-626-6799). and have your ice cream or other dessert . . .
Join us on Facebook Live this Sunday!
We are trying something new: online worship with video from the sanctuary. Please bear with us if there are technical issues. Em Krall will be playing and we will be singing (you can, too!) Pastor Katie will be bringing us the message, and we will try to take prayer requests from the Facebook Live comments. . . .
Sprucing up the place!
Our Landscaping Task Force will be moving into full gear now that winter has passed. Recently, they contracted some long-awaited tree trimming. The tree situation is much improved. More to come!! Read more about the Landscaping Task Force. . . .
Church Service and Events Notice
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, just as it is well with your soul. (3 John 1:2) Dear FUPC family, Your Session met the morning of March 13 to make decisions about church activities and services in light of the COVID-19 virus. We know that . . .
Best Health Practices
As we take precautions against the transmission of flu and other potentially threatening viruses, please follow these Best Health Practices: Wash hands frequently with warm water and soap for 20 seconds, especially after touching money, doorknobs, or another person. Refrain from touching your face. Avoid hugs and handshaking. Sneeze or cough into a tissue when . . .
Observing Lent
The season of Lent began on Wednesday, February 26 with our Ash Wednesday service. Lent is the period of 40 days in which we examine our spiritual lives, repent, pray and fast. Some people choose something to “give up for Lent,” which can be food, but may also be some activity. Pope Francis suggests this . . .